Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Group Updates!

The Steering Committee met yesterday, 7/22/08, to establish additional committees and plan for the upcoming group-wide meeting. In attendance were: Darrell Newvine, Family Enrichment Network; Bob Hanye, AVRE; Joseph Sellepeck, Broome Council of Churches; Keith Leahy, Mental Health Association; Deborah Fitzgerald, Recess Resources and Andrew Marietta, CCSNYS.

The Committee:
  • Discussed membership and talked about creating a group directory that would be available to all members as a resource
  • Created 3 new committees and appointed committee chairs: Membership- Keith Leahy, Programming- Dick Squire and Bob Hanye, Special Projects- Joseph Sellepeck. The committee chairs will be contacting people who have previously expressed interest in specific committees. (If you would like to learn more about being a committee member, please email Andrew Marietta at and he will pass along your info.)
  • Reviewed results from the initial Economic Impact Survey. Talked about how to use information like this in the future and the need to include social impact as well.
  • Planned for the group-wide meeting that will take place on Tuesday, September 23rd @ 8:30am. The meeting will be held at the Family Enrichment Network in Johnson City. There will be an introduction to the group, discussion of focus areas, and time for the committees to meet and talk about their plans of action.

Make sure to mark your calendar for the September 23rd meeting; committees have been formed and now the group is ready to start taking action. You can confirm your attendance here.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Binghamton University Event

Please watch your e-mail and this blog for information about an upcoming forum about nonprofit lifecycles at the College of Community and Public Affairs at Binghamton University. The College, along with the Community Foundation for South Central New York, the Hoyt Foundation and the Southern Tier AIDS Program are co-sponsoring a half day forum on September 25th that will run from 11:00 to 3:00 at the new University Downtown Center on Washington Street, across from the arena in Dowtown Binghamton.

The forum will focus on the challenges nonprofit organizations face early in their development. Susan Chambre, a prominent researcher from Baruch College at the City University of New York will keynote the event and discuss her work on the development of AIDS organizations in New York City over the past 25 years (detailed in a recent book and several scholarly publications). At lunch, Karen Wright, Executive Director of Stillwater, will discuss her organization's development over the past ten years, including the challenges she has faced and how she has addressed them. Finally, the afternoon will conclude with a funder's panel, at which funders will discuss how they look at lifecycle and capacity building issues. Dan O'Connell of the AIDS Institute and Joanne Florino, Executive Director of the Triad Foundation are already confirmed for the event, a third invitation is still outstanding.

The event will provide a great opportunity for professional development. Participants will learn about new research in organizational development and hear practical approaches to addressing the real challenges organizations face early in their development. There will be a $25 registration fee which covers lunch. Registration materials will be sent out in early August. You can e-mail me any inquiries about the event at I'll post follow up information later in the summer, including a link to registration materials.

Hold the date now!

I will not be able to attend the Steering Committee meeting on July 22nd due to a prior commitment at Cornell; however I'll follow up with additional posts about this and related Binghamton University projects in the weeks ahead.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Economic Impact Survey Results

The fourteen organizations that responded to our SCNY Economic Impact survey reported a total of $20,476,863 spent in the region during the last fiscal year. These organizations also employ a total of 1,184 people and generate close to two million dollars in payroll taxes. Powerful numbers considering that they only represent 14 out of the 286 nonprofits in Broome and Tioga Counties. Although the positive social impact of the nonprofit community is often more visible, area organizations clearly benefit the local economy as well. As a group, we'll continue to explore the combined economic impact of our organizations and how to best share that information with the larger community.