Thursday, February 26, 2009
Developing For Profit Ventures in the Arts
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Special Reports on Economic Stimulus & Recovery
- Nonprofit Grant Opportunities Special Report, Volume I (issued February 23, 2009) This core report provides an overview of this historic piece of legislation and identifies key provisions that lend themselves to potential grant opportunities for some nonprofits
- Stimulus Grant Tips and Thoughts Special Report, Volume II (issued February 24, 2009) This report offers tips for those thinking about applying for a stimulus-funded grant.
- Whether and How States Are Accepting & Distributing Federal Stimulus Funds Special Report, Volume III – (issued February 25, 2009) This report reviews how various states have indicated they will handle the federal funds.
Enhancing Skills in the Executive/Board Relationship
- What can I do as the Executive to get a quorum at Board meetings?-What is the Executives role?
- What can I do as the Executive to get a board member to focus on the present and future instead of the past?
- What is my role in getting our nominations committee to actively work to attract new and qualified Board members?
- What is my role in orientation of new board members;continuing education of Board members?
- How do I diplomatically approach the need to remove and replace Board "deadwood"?
- How do I work with an ineffective-or overcontrolling Board member?
- What is my role in improving Board giving and participation in fundraising?
- How do I clearly define differences in the roles of the Executive and the Board?
- What should I realistically expect from Board members?
- How do I get my board to understand the need for diversity?
- What is my role in holding a board member (or the Board) accountable?
- How do I deal with a board member who speaks ill of me or my agency in public?
If you have other questions or comments, please post your comments here or by e-mail.
South Central New York Nonprofit Executive Directors Group Minutes
February 24, 2009
1. Membership Committee Update: We still maintain an active membership list. A couple more names were suggested for membership and we will contact them. We discussed a news article announcing our organization and linking membership to the NYNED website. Everyone thought that was a great idea.
2. Program Committee Update: The programs are tentative set for the coming year and the committee is in the process of selecting presenters. If you do not have a list let us know and we will distribute it. The next program committee is set for March 10th at JCC with the topic, Executive Directors working with the board. The presenter will have a set of questions to begin the presentation.
3. Special Projects Committee: We discussed at length what the plans were for the research project of the value of not for profits to the community. We are looking at collaboration with BU over several years to look at different aspects of our value that will culminate in a very extensive over valuation for the group. Allison Alden is putting together a synopsis of the project. Paid interns will be part of the process and we are looking at ways to fund those interns.
4. Full Group Meeting - The next full group meeting will be March 10th at JCC.45 minutes will be allocated for the training, 5 minutes for JCC presentation and 40 minute to discuss the special project.
5. Feedback on progress of the group: There appears to be overall satisfaction with where we are doing and the subgroups are functioning very well.
Local Nonprofit Gives Input on Stimulus Funds
Friday, February 20, 2009
Donation dollars down
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Grants available to Broome County nonprofits
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Community Foundation Increases Funding
"At a time when decreasing revenue and increasing expenses have led almost everyone to cut programs or services, a Binghamton-based foundation is taking the opposite course.
Though its CommuniFund grants, The Community Foundation of South Central New York will increase its funding by $50,000 this year to a total of $200,000 for various programs of local nonprofit organizations, municipalities and schools." Read more here.
Diane Brown, Executive Director of the Foundation, sharrd her thoughts on how the Community Foundation's funds are an investment in the community. Overall, it is clear that the Community Foundation, the funds they invest, and what nonprofits do with these funds illustrate an important economic impact in the community.
Friday, February 6, 2009
NYSDOT announces federal bus funds for Southern Tier
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Support for your arts organization
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Nonprofits Boost Their Business Skills
At nonprofit organizations, often the staff and board are so busy serving their constituents, they don’t have time to sit back and take stock. So there’s rarely a chance to ask how well they’re performing as a business and how they could do better. When nonprofits invest in their business operations, though, in the long run they’re able to provide better service.
The Council of Community Services of New York State (CCSNYS) offers guidance to nonprofits of all sizes, helping them to achieve more with limited resources. In 2008, with support from the Hoyt Foundation, CCSNYS launched the Southern Tier Capacity Building Program, an effort to encourage nonprofits in the region to improve their business operations. A $13,000 Hoyt Foundation grant will help CCSNYS continue that program in 2009.
“Capacity building” means implementing better financial procedures, creating a more effective board of directors, deploying new software to streamline the operation or otherwise putting the organization on a more solid business footing. “If they can strengthen those pieces, that puts them in a position to provide more programs and improve their services,” said Andrew Marietta, Central New York Regional Manager at CCSNYS.
This year, the Southern Tier Capacity Building Program will offer two seminars. After each session, participants may apply for mini-grants to fund capacity building projects. Read more about the 2009 Southern Tier Capacity Building Program here.
Program Committee Needs Your Input!
- We have great difficulty in getting a quorum at our board meetings. What can I do as the Executive to get a quorum so that critical decisions can be made in a legal and appropriate manner?
- Mr. X has been on the board for decades. He is a wonderful gentleman but constantly objects to any new programs and ideas. What can I do as the executive to get him to focus on the future, or at least the present, rather than the past?
- How do I get our nominations committee to actively work at attracting new (and qualified) members for the Board?
- How do I motivate my board to understand their role and help with fundraising?
E-mail your ideas to Bob Hanye or post them here.
The March 10th program will be hosted by the Jewish Community Center.
BIO: Dr. Teri Goodall-Komar is president of Teri Goodall & Associates, LLC and is a nationally known consultant. Her thirty years of consulting, coaching, facilitation, and training focus on innovative organizational development and performance improvement in both private and public sector organizations. She has developed consulting, training, facilitating, coaching and focus group strategies for a diverse client base, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to small, not-for-profit agencies. She has created innovative processes to meet divergent client needs and solve complex problems.
Monday, February 2, 2009
2009 Nonprofit Economic Climate Info
Topics include:
- How the current market environment will affect nonprofits
- Practical scenario planning and modeling: how to develop smart, strategic responses
- Recognizing the hidden opportunities to strengthen your standing
- Revenue and expense considerations
- Cash flow management and managing credit
- Role of the Executive Director and Board in leading the organization through a downturn
The link provides assessment tools and checklists to keep you grounded during crisis periods. Also included is a list of cost reduction strategies.
NY Policy Change for Nonprofits
This policy update is provided by Kevin M. Stadelmaier, Esq, Legal Advisor, New York Council of Nonprofits (fomerly CCSNYS, Inc.), Legal Accountability and Compliance Services, Western New York Regional Office. Should you have further questions or concerns relevant to the requirements of this New Act, do not hesitate to contact Kevin at (716) 241-5010 x170 or by email.